Thursday, September 5, 2013


And if it was not for the similarity of shapes ...

A sense of duty

I was just wondering why I keep posting. It must be because of a sense of duty. The duty to share what one finds. Is that what it is ?
For the third time, I cleaned my studio of stones. Too many. Overwhelming. I caught and released them in nature sending them with good wishes. I kept a number of trays, a collection of what I consider the best examples of tools and figure stones.
I became frustrated feeling like I was in kindergarten learning a new language. That somewhere I was missing the ability to understand, that logic and intuition were not enough, that maybe a sense was missing.
For a while, I gave myself the instruction :" No more stones inside the house! Just look !". This lasted for a couple of months.
But now they are back!
Ah! if it was not for those beaks....

It it was not for those faces....