Sunday, February 19, 2012

Birds, birds, birds...

For some reason, birds are the majority of images I find. These are small rocks of different material, one inch or so. Each one is unique. There is no cookie style pattern. One can see a head, an eye , a beak. Sometimes, a color in the rock is used to shape a beak or a wing.


  1. Hi, how true, I'd say almost every stone tool or rock I've found with images, at some angle has a bird image. Maybe just the head, or head tucked to a wing or the profile of the whole bird depending on the size.... most definatly showing the eyes....birds were the connection to the earth and the sky and beyond. Owls show up alot....Melissa. ( will send photos to you when I can...the webcam will not do justice and I wish I could mail you some, lol )

    1. Hi Melissa, Some owls too. Sometimes one eye open and one eye closed. With people too. Life and death theme?
      As for the birds, I have thought they are like the little tibetan flags, prayers on a wing. Or were they considered godlike? what do you think?
